(406) 459-2776
Apex Engineering, PLLC
Nitrate Removal
Sulfate Removal
Metals Removal
Arsenic Removal
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Companies and entities that have contracted with Apex Engineering for nitrate removal, arsenic removal, mine water treatment and drinking water treatment include:
Alpha Explosives
America Textile
American Chemet
Applied Biosciences
Aspen Air
Aspen Publishers
Atna Resources Ltd.
Barrick Goldstrike
BMP Investments, Inc.
Canyon Resources
Carter Chouteau County Water District
Cascade Earth Sciences
CDM Smith
City of Boulder, Montana
Clearwater Layline
Coastal Chem
Coeur Alaska
Conoco Phillips
Energy Fuels Corp.
ERM, Inc.
Ferguson Contracting, Inc.
Floating Island International
FMC Corporation
Formation Metals Inc.
Frank Environmental Services
Gentor Resources
Glacier International Airport
Golden Sunlight Mines, Inc.
Golder Associates
Gore Hill Water District
Great West Engineering
Hatch Water
Hecla Mining Company
Hydrometrics, Inc.
Kinross Gold Corporation
Kobex Resources Ltd.
Land and Water Consulting, Inc.
Mines Management, Inc.
Mine Waste Technology Program
Montana Environmental Trust Group
Montana Resources
Montana State University
Montana Tech-University of Montana
Morrison-Maierle, Inc.
Newmont Mining Corporation
Northwest Agricultural Products
Olympus Technical Services
PPL Montana
Red Vector.com
Ruby Creek Mining
SMI, Inc.
Stillwater Mining Company
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Energy Corp.
U.S. Silver Corp.
Veris Gold Corp.
Wharf Resources